The department of Ancient and Medieval History is the Belarusian leading specialized centre on researches in the fields of Ancient and Medieval Studies and the History of Ancient East. It maintains its international scientific relations traditionally.
Our audio lectures on the History of Ancient East (authors – Associate Professors Oleg Perzashkevich and Andrey Prokhorov) had been in use for several years inside the educational process at teaching of "Ancient history" and «History of the countries of the East» at Turkmen State University of Magtumkuli (Asgabat) and at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University of Abay (Almaty).
Now we have 3 full professors and 7 associated professors in stuff.
The major achievement of our work for 2008 has become the publication of 4 books and 10 text books (5 of them - with a signature stamp of Ministry of Education of Belarus).
The total amount of our printed matter has made over 4300 pages.
The major achievement of our work for 2009 has become the publication of 2 books, 16 textbooks and 2 manuals (9 of them - with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Education of Belarus and 3 - with a signature stamp of National Institute of Education of Belarus, 1 - with signature stamp of Special Education Committee). The total amount of our printed matter has made over 3500 pages.
The major achievement of our work for 2010 has become the publication of 1 book, 11 sections in books (articles), 8 textbooks (4 of them - with a signature stamp of National Institute of Education of Belarus), 16 manuals (with a signature stamp of National Institute of Education of Belarus), 11 journal articles. The total amount of a printed matter has made over 5500 pages.
Our employees have successfully finished two collective state budget projects had been being fulfilled inside the State complex program of scientific researches for 2006-2010, named «History of the Belarus nation, statehood and culture».
1st theme was “The Roman Catholic Church in Middle Ages”, leaded by Prof. Viktor Fedosik.
Researchers: the Head of the Department of Ancient and Medieval History, Professor Viktor Fedosik, and Professor Mikhail Korzun.
“Belarusian mythology – comparative analysis in the context of ethnic and cultural development of Eastern Europe”, leaded by Associate Professor Andrey Prokhorov.
Researchers: Associate Professor Andrey Prokhorov, Associate Professor Yevgeny Krasulin, Associate Professor Oleg Perzashkevich.
Andrey Prokhorov and Oleg Perzashkevich have organized and held the International Conference «Great cultural heritage of India and Belarus. To the 75 anniversary of the Pact of Roerich» (Minsk, September, 17th, 2010). Belarusian, Russian, Indian, US scholars also from some other countries and some participated in that event. His Excellence, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of India in Belarus and some Belarusians High Officials took part in the conference also.
The edition of books in the Russian Federation:
Федосик В.А., Смирнова Е.Д., Сушкевич Л.П. Средние века. Культура, искусство, история. М.: “Эксмо”, 2008.
Федосик В.А., Перзашкевич О.В. Древний мир. Культура, искусство, история. М.: “Эксмо”, 2008.
Перзашкевич О.В. Гордиенко А. Н., Куделев П. Е. Китай. История, культура, искусство. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия / Гордиенко А. Н., Куделев П. Е., Перзашкевич О. В. М.: Эксмо, 2008.
The edition of articles:
Perzashkevich O. Chapter 13. Ancient Leadership Model, the Rigvedic Purohita//Astronomical Dating of Events AND Select Vignettes from Indian History. Volume I / Edited and compiled by Kosla Vepa. Pleasanton, Indic Studies Foundation, 2008. P. 157 - 165.
Scientific conferences.
The Fifth Annual Human Empowerment Conference (HEC) 2007. Dallas, Texas. Noon, Friday, October 12th - Noon, Sunday, October 14th, 2007 (O.V. Perzashkevich's paper).
The international congress of archeo-astronomers (SEAC). Klaipeda (A.A. Prokhorov's paper).
Нобилитет в Старой Европе. The international scientific conference. St.-Petersburg (E.D.Smirnova's paper).
VII Memorial Readings of D.A.Olderogge: «Африка в системе мировых цивилизаций: Прошлое, настоящее, будущее». May, 3-4rd, 2007. St.-Petersburg (N.V. Kosheleva’s paper).
The book edition in the Russian Federation: Перзашкевич О.В., Федосик В.А. Весь Восток в алфавитном порядке: иллюстрированная энциклопедия. Под ред. д.и.н., проф. В.А. Федосика. Москва, ЭКСМО, 2009.
Scientific conferences.
I International Conference on Indian History, Civilization and Geopolitics ICIH 2009: New Delhi, Jan. 9-11, 2009 (O.V.Perzashkevich's paper).
The literature and culture during the epoch of Seljuks. Asgabat, March, 11-13th, 2009 (papers of O.V. Perzashkevich and D.V. Mazarchuk).
Waters in South and Southeast Asia: Interaction of Culture and Religion. Abstract Book. The 3rd SEASR Conference, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, June 03-06, 2009 (O.V.Perzashkevicha's paper).
Bayram Khan and the Empire of Great Moguls. Asgabat, June, 17-19th, 2009 (O.V. Perzashkevich's paper).
Baltic Worldview: from mythology to folklore. July, 8-10th 2009. Vilnius (A.A.Prokhorov's paper).
Ancient Jeitun - the centre of early agriculture. Asgabat, September, 15-16th, 2009 (O.V.Perzashkevich's paper).
The book edition in the Russian Federation: Большая энциклопедия символов / Под ред. О. В. Перзашкевича. М.: “Эксмо”, 2010.
Article published in a journal of the Lithuanian Republic: Prokhorov, A. Images on the stones at Scebiaraky village in North-West Belarus / A. Prokhorov Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and Cultural Heritage. Archaeologia Baltica 10. Klaipėda, 2008. - P. 163 - 169.
Scientific conferences.
WAVES 2010 - Eighth International Conference “Vedic knowledge for Civilizational Harmony”. Trinidad and Tobago. 4-7 (O.V.Perzashkevich's paper).
Mollanepes and the life the Turkmen in XIX century. Mary (Turkmenistan), 7-9 (O.V. Perzashkevich's paper).
Islamic world: history, society, culture. Moscow, September, 2010 (N.V. Kosheleva's paper).
Orientalizm/occidentalizm: languages of cultures and languages of their description. Moscow, October 2010 г (N.V. Kosheleva's paper).
Archaeology and Ethnography of Turkmenistan in the Epoch of New Revival and Great Reforms: Achievements and New Perspectives. Aşgabat (Turkmenistan), November 10-11, 2010 (O.V.Perzashkevich's paper).
Andrey Prokhorov passed scientific training in France, in the House of Human Studies (Paris, April, 2010).
Scientific conferences.
Nurmuhammet Andalib and the Literary-Cultural Life of the Orient in XVII – XVIII centuries. Daşoguz (Turkmenistan), 10-12.03.2011 (papers by A. Prokhorov and O. Perzashkevich).
Актуальні проблемы історії стародавнього світу. Kiev (Ukrain), 19-20.05.2011 (paper by O. Malyugin).
Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy – A Meetng of Different Worlds. Evor (Portugal), 19-23.09.2011 (paper by A. Prokhorov).
Культурная память и мемориальные коммуникации в учебниках и учебной литературе: опыт России и Западной Европы. Saratov, (Russia), 25-28.09.2011 (paper by O. Malyugin).
Bronze and Iron Ages and Material-Spiritual Heritage of Turkmenistan. Aşgabat (Turkmenistan), 10-11.11 (paper by O. Perzashkevich).
Гуманитарные исследования молодых ученых. Irkutsk (Russia), 13-15.11.2011 (paper by A. Torkanevsky).
«Семеновские чтения – 2011». Moscow (Russia), 26.11.2011 (paper by O. Malyugin).
Andrey Prokhorov passed scientific training in Germany, at the University of Tübingen (May, 2011).