(3-5 courses)
for History 1-21 03 01 at
History (domestic and general) 1 21 03 01-01
Specialization 1-21 03 01-01 05
Boksha S.A., Smirnova E.D. Historiography of Ancient History and Middle Ages.
Yetukhov I.O. West European historical thought.
Korzun M. S, Malyugin O. I. Studies of the sources for Ancient History and Middle Ages.
Koshelev N.V. The History of Sufi.
Malyugin O. I. Eastern Hellenism.
Malyugin O. I. The post-Roman Britain.
Prokhorov A.A. Sakralization of the chief power as a typological phenomenon.
Smirnova E.D. Medieval culture of the Western Europe.
Smirnova E.D. The medieval life.
Torkanevsky A.A. The history of the Church of Ancient Rome.
Fedosik V. A. The Roman Catholic Church in Middle Ages.
for History 1-21 03 01 at
1 21 03 01-01 History
Specialization 1-21 03 01-01 05 History of religions
Akimov V.V. The Universal Church Councils.
Boksha S.A., Smirnova E.D. Historiography of Ancient History and Middle Ages.
Yetukhov I.O. The Ancient German perception of space.
Korzun M. S. Religious-social concepts in history of the Ancient Greece.
Korzun M. S, Malyugin O. I. Studies of the sources for Ancient History and Middle Ages.
Kruglov A.A. Bible as a cultural monument.
Mazarchuk D.V. Roman Catholic Church in second half ХІ – beg. ХІІ century.
Malyugin O. I. Paganism and Christianity in Roman Empire.
Perzashkevich O.V. Vedas in the light of a science.
Torkanevsky A.A. The source studies problem for the early history of Christianity after the example of the history of the Church of Rome at І - first half ІІ centuries.
Shilay O. V. The world of dead in Antiquity and Middle Ages civilizations.
(Master level)
Perzashkevich O.V. Basis of the conceptual description.
Hankevich O. I. The sociopolitical organization of ancient civilizations.