History of the Department of Ethnology, Museology and History of Arts

History of the Department of Ethnology, Museology and History of Arts


The Department of Ethnology, Museology and History of Arts was founded on 27 June 2001. The first Head of the Department was Associate Professor Pavel Tereshkovich. Since 2008 Associate Professor Tadeush Novogrodsky is in charge of the Department.

Despite of its few years of work the Department has a remarkable scientific potential. Several outstanding Belarusian scientists work here: Professor of History, Correspondent Member of the National Academy of Sciences M.F.Pilipenko; Professor of History of Arts, the prize-winner of the National State Award N.F.Vysotskaya.

The teaching staff of the Department is as follows:
Professors: The History of Arts Professor Nadezhda Vysotskaya, Doctor of History Alexander Guzhalovsky.
Associate Professors: Lilia Bareishik, Olga Gorbacheva, Irina Makhovskaya, Vladimir Medyanik, Alexei Makhnach,Irina Tomasheva.
Senior Lectures: Alexander Kushnir, Stepan Zakharkevich.
Lecturers: Natalia Zdasyuk, the Bachelor of Arts Irina Olyunina, Candidate of Science Natalia Trifonovna.

The major achievements of the Department are the Degree of Doctor of History of A.Guzhalosky (2002); the Degrees of Candidates of A.Kilbas and I.Tomasheva (2003); publication of 7 monographs (A.Guzhalovsky. The Creation of Belarusian Museums.Minsk, 2001); O.V.Gorbacheva. The Uprising of 1830-1831 in Belarus.Minsk,2001: P.V.Tereshkovich. Ethnic Changes and National Policy in Belarusian Provinces (1795-1914).The Book of Belarusian History.Gottingen.2001; V.I.Medyanik, S.A.Zakharkevich.The Modern Problem of the Protection of National Minorities within International Law Aspect in Europe. Minsk, 2002; A.Guzhalovsky. Museums of Belarus (1918-1941). Minsk,2001.;N.F.Vysotskaya. Belarusian Painting in Baroque.Minsk,2003; A.Guzhalovsky. The History of the World Museums. Minsk,2003.;A.Guzhalovsky. The Museums of Belarus (1941-1991). Minsk, NASB,2004; A.Kilbas. The Culture of Privileged Estates in Belarus (XIX-XVI cc.).Minsk, JC”Technoprint”,2004; L.Bareishik, A.Guzhalovsky. The Museums of Europe. Part I. Minsk,BSU,2004- 188 pages; P.Tereshkovich. Ethnic History of Belarus in XIX-XX in the context of Central Eastern Europe. Minsk, BSU, 2004 – 223 pages; O.Gorbacheva. The Participants of the Uprising of 1830-1831 in Belarus: Bibliographical Reference Book. Minsk,2004- 400pages.

The department provides training for the students specializing in History (Ethnology and History of Arts) and Museology and Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage (Museology, History of Arts, Tourism).

The priority in the Department’s work is given to the expansion of international cooperation. In 2001 the staff of the Department participated in the international expedition, organized by the Scientific Society DIOS from Bulgaria. In November 2001 the Department held the joint research with the Sociology Institution of the University named after Maria-Sklodovska, Lublin, Poland. The Department initiated and held a session of International Humanitarian School: “Bordering Regions of Belarus: traditions and modern period. Language, History, Culture.” The postgraduates and students take regular part in various programmes and receive grants of Polish, Russian, Ukrainian Universities and Funds.


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