One of the leading Soviet and Belarusian researchers of Ancient Rome, F. M. Nechay was born in Drazychi village (Minsk guberniya) in a family of local paramedic. From 1920s he lived in Russia. F. M. Nechay graduated from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute and became a postgraduate student of the Moscow State University.
Professor A. V. Mishulin had taken him under scientific guidance. The postgraduate student was offered a fascinated, complex and confusing subject: «The Allied War in historical Sources (91–88 В. С.)».
The theme was fully consistent with traditions of studying history, established at the MSU Ancient History Department. Getting started on the problem or the region of the ancient world, the researcher had to translate all the necessary sources from Greek or Latin language and to study all related historiography. This work was done and formed good command of Latin language what helped to understand the history of Ancient Rome better.
In 1940 after defending dissertation, F. M. Nechay became Candidate of Science and Associate Professor of the Chuvash Pedagogical Institute. He also received invaluable scientific and administrative experience in Cheboksary, having worked as a dean of the Historical Faculty and then as a Deputy Director of the Pedagogical Institute.
After the liberation of Minsk F. M. Nechay decided to return to his native Belarus. He advised about it with his teacher, Professor A. V. Mishulin, who supported the decision of his student and passed this information on to Academician N. M. Nikolsky, who was in Moscow. M. N. Nikolsky also expressed his support for the decision. So, in 1945 F. M. Nechay began to work in the BSU. He has shown himself not only as scientist and lecturer, but as good administrator as well: in 1947–1953 he was the Dean of the Faculty of History. He always acted in open and transparent manner. The full implementation of training programs for each discipline was a law for him. Dean gathered students and faculty members annually and held a report on program implementation for the previous academic year.
After the death of Academician V. N. Pertsev in 1960 he was appointed the Head of the Ancient and Medieval History Department. The same year summer he headed the excavations of the archaeological expedition of the BSU on the Kerch Peninsula in the Chersonese and Panticapaeum.
In 1965 F. M. Nechay received a Doctor of Science in History degree for his doctoral thesis «Rome and Italics Peoples: Rome’s Conquest Italy and the Italians struggle for Land and Political Rights». Leading Soviet historians were official opponents for F. M. Nechay’s thesis – S. L. Utchenko, Head of the Ancient History Department, Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences and V. I. Kuzishchin from the Department of Ancient History, the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The thesis was based on his monograph «Rome and Italics Peoples», published two years before. In his dissertation F. M. Nechay set the size of land holdings, which were used by the Roman plebeians in the colonies in the conquered lands, and proved that the basis of the last phase of the Civil War (88–82 years. BC. e.) was the same allied question which has been transformed into an agrarian.
In 1966 F. M. Nechay got the title of Professor.
The beginning of the 1970s turned to F. M. Nechay as very rich and fruitful. His report «The role of polis in Ancient Rome society» was presented at the XIII International Congress of Historians (Moscow, 1970). The first issue of the collection of scientific articles of his Department members was published «Ancient and Medieval History Review» (1970) was published. Finally, he published his monograph «Genesis of the Roman State» (1972).
But the years were taking their toll. In 1977, Professor F. M. Nechay resigned from the Department Head position. In 1984 he stopped his pedagogical activity.